MIA Intro

We are not your usual commercial landlord. We are not set up for profit. If you’re in business and need premises we want to help you. Whether it’s well-designed offices or industrial units you need, we have plenty of choice and we manage our properties with your needs in mind. Your rent goes into upkeep, maintenance and our ‘helping hand’ management style because at MIA we’re focussed on driving the success of your small firm.

Here’s the deal. It’s an easy-in monthly licence covering rent and selected services. If things don’t go to plan for any reason, it’s an easy out… but most of our tenants stay for the long term. There’s no need for a guarantor, solicitor, reference or legal fees. MIA has its lettings service provided by the managing agents, Prince Warnes Properties. If you are interested in becoming a tenant, Prince Warnes can provide you with an up to date availability and pricing: Find Out More